Our story 1978
“Hidro Tzinor LTD – Maslamani Energy, established in 1978, indicating a heritage of specializations in gas sector, accessories and comprehensive solutions, from the moment we were founded, we were motivated by a commitment to improving the energy in gas sector and we developed to directly serve our community with a wide variety of home appliance, restaurants equipment’s, heating systems adapted to every need.”
Excellence at every step 2017
“At the end of 2017, we achieved an important milestone, receiving a comprehensive license to gas supply to all sectors – proof of our relentless quest for excellence, at Hidro Tzinor LTD – Maslamani Energy, every product and service is a promise of uncompromising quality, safety and direct involvement with our customers.”
The brand H.T 2020
“In 2020, our company opened its way in the field of importing special products for gas sector (commercial and domestic), with a special emphasis on products that operate on LPG, The H.T brand has developed rapidly, driven by an ambitious vision that combines high performance and innovative technology, We are expanding the range of our products while improving their suitability to customer needs, through research and development efforts, strategic partnerships, and an extensive communication network, we ensure the supply of quality products, the strong connections we have developed in the import world strengthen our position as a leading player in the field, and we are always looking for additional opportunities to offer the best to our customers under our brand, H.T.
Stronger together, growing as one 2024
Our company is proud to announce the partnership with IMMERGAS, a leading Italian company renowned for its cutting-edge and energy-efficient solutions for heating systems and air conditioning. With IMMERGAS innovative products we offer in our market advanced heating technologies ensuring optimal performance, reliability, and sustainability, this collaboration reflects our commitment to bringing world-class quality and energy-saving solutions to local customers, backed by IMMERGAS decades of expertise and our dedication to exceptional service.
Together, we aim to redefine home and industrial heating and conditioning across in our market with eco-friendly and high-performance systems.
We are a company specialized in the import, sale and installation of central heating equipment in the Palestinian market, which includes diesel boilers, burners, pumps and radiators.
Previously, the focus was on the import of diesel boilers, several years ago there was a need to supply wall hung gas boilers and we started to search for a company with the required advantages to start cooperation with them. Finally it was agreed with the Italian company IMMERGAS and we started cooperation since 2010 and we started importing traditional gas boilers and in 2016 we started importing boilers with condensation technology.
In order to provide the best services to our customers, our technicians have been sent several times to the headquarters of IMMERGAS to receive training course and all the needed skills required for maintenance.
We receive all the help and support from IMMERGAS to provide all services to our customers.
IMMERGAS products has been well know in the Palestinian market.
We always look forward to develop cooperation with IMMERGAS and we consider our self as a part of IMMERGAS.
شركة ألصفدي هي شركة متخصصة باستيراد وبيع وتركيب معدات التدفئة المركزية في السوق الفلسطيني والتي تشمل البويلرات والحارقات والمضخات والمشعات وقد كان التركيز سابقا على استيراد البويلرات التي تعمل على الديزل .
إلا انه قبل عدة سنوات ظهرت الحاجة لتوريد بويلرات الغاز الجدارية وبدأنا البحث عن شركة تتوفر فيها المزايا المطلوبة لبدا التعاون معها وأخيرا تم الاتفاق مع شركة IMMERGAS الايطالية وبدأنا التعاون معها منذ عام 2010 وبدأنا باستيراد بويلرات الغاز التقليدية وفي عام 2016 بدأنا باستيراد البويلرات ذات تقنية التكثيف .
ولتقديم أفضل الخدمات لزبائننا من فقد تم إرسال عدة فننين عدة مرات إلى مقر IMMERGAS لتلقي كافة المهارات المطلوبة لعمل الصيانة المطلوبة ونحن نتلقى كل المساعدة والدعم من IMMERGAS حتى نقدم كافة الخدمات لزبائننا ولقد أصبحت منتجات IMMERGAS منتشرة في السوق الفلسطيني بشكل ممتاز ونحن نتطلع دائما لتطوير التعاون مع هذه الشركة ونحن نعتبر أنفسنا جزء من IMMERGAS .
Immergas is a leader company in planning, constructing and selling domestic heating products in the Italian market. Especially in the realization of solutions of high technological value such as condensation boilers.
Immergas dedication to energy saving and the development of products suitable to renewable energies is more and more resolved.
Since 1964, the company has paid particular attention to the selection and the training of professional figures who sell, install and maintain their products.
From June 2017, Immergas official importer in Belgium is ALVERSYS.
კომპანია დაგიმპექსი დაარსდა 2004 წელს და დაარსებიდან დღემდე იტალიური კომპანია Immergas S.p.A -ს ოფიციალური პარტნიორი და ავტორიზირებული დისტრიბუტორია საქართველოში.
კომპანია Immergas ევროპაში გათბობის ტექნიკის მწარმოებლებს შორის ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე ცნობილი ბრენდია, რომლის ძირითადი პროდუქცია გათბობის კედლის ქვაბებია. უახლოესი ტექნოლოგიების დანერგვისა და ახალ შემუშავებებში მუდმივი რეინვესტიციის შედეგად, კომპანია დღეისთვის 60-ზე მეტი დასახელების გაზის კედლის ქვაბს აწარმოებს 24კვ-120 კვ.
Immergas-ის პროდუქციის დისტრიბუციის გარდა ჩვენთან ფუნქციონირებს სერვის ცენტრი, რომელიც ახორციელებს ტექნიკის როგორც საგარანტიო მომსახურებას, ასევე გარანტიის შემდგომ სერვის.
მაღალკვალიფიცირებული სერვის პერსონალი და ორიგინალური სათადარიგო ნაწილები თქვენი ხარისხიანი და დროული მომსახურების საწინდარია.
ООО «ITALHEAT GROUP» – один из безусловных лидеров в области поставок инженерного оборудования для отопления, кондиционирования, вентиляции и водоснабжения для объектов жилого, общественного и промышленного назначения. Лидирующая позиция компании является результатом многолетней работы на рынке(с 2006 года) по расширению спектра продаж, благодаря увеличению масштабов деятельности и заключению сделок. В связи с чем, компания зарекомендовала себя как стабильного и надежного партнера. Мы предоставляем своим клиентам полный спектр услуг – проектирование, монтаж, пуско-наладка оборудования. Наш всемирно известный партнер компания Immergas SpA, с которой мы сотрудничаем на протяжении многих лет , зарекомендовала себя на рынке как производитель высокого качества. Мы являемся официальными дилерами компании Immergas spA в Узбекистане, а так же, на базе нашей компании создан сервис центр по гарантийному и пост гарантийному обслуживанию.
ITALHEAT GROUP LTD – one of the undoubted leaders in the supply of engineering equipment for heating, air conditioning, ventilation and water supply for residential, public and industrial use. A leading position is the result of years of work in the market(since 2006) by expanding the range of sales, due to increased scope of activities and transactions. In this connection, the company has established itself as a stable and reliable partner. We offer our clients a full range of services – design, installation, commissioning of equipment. Our world-renowned partner company Immergas SpA, with which we have been successfully cooperating for many years, has established itself in the market as a manufacturer of high quality. We are the official dealer of Immergas SpA in Uzbekistan, on the basis of our company we have created a service for warranty and post warranty .
Hunt Heating is Australia’s leading suppliers of domestic and commercial heating and cooling solutions. Since foundation in 1982 and based in Melbourne, Victoria, Hunt Heating have been supplying stylish, innovative and sustainable hydronic heating and cooling, and underfloor heating solutions to Australian residential and commercial markets nationwide.
Our partnership with Hunt Heating began in 2013 and has allowed us to deliver best-in-class energy efficient systems with no compromise on comfort to more than 3000 Australian homes every year. Every product supplied is backed by a market leading manufacturer’s parts and labour warranty, so you can rest assured that you’ll enjoy your home heating and cooling for many years to come.
Hunt Heating boasts the largest hydronic heating showroom and training facility in Australia and continues to make significant investments to making product education and professional development as accessible as possible to Australian contractors and installation businesses. The addition of a display training vehicle has further enabled Hunt Heating and Immergas to raise awareness of energy-efficient hydronic heating across Australia and to provide hands-on training and support to trade professionals nationwide.
Desde 1938, Metalúrgica Winter S.A. ha desarrollado y fabricado artefactos para suministro de agua caliente sanitaria, calefacción y energía solar para el mercado chileno. Actualmente contamos con una planta industrial con más de 5000 m2 de instalaciones, laboratorios de ensayos, líneas de fabricación de equipos, bodegas, laboratorio de control de calidad, showroom y todo lo necesario para satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros clientes, incluyendo asesoría técnica especializada, asistencia post venta y servicio técnico, capacitaciones, entre muchos otros servicios.
El poder suministrar a nuestros clientes equipos cada vez mejores, nos ha llevado a ser representantes de las mejores fabricas del mundo, respondiendo así de la mejor manera ante las necesidades de calefacción, climatización y agua caliente sanitaria de todos los chilenos, con alternativas inteligentes, modernas y por sobre todo eficientes y por lo tanto amables con el medio ambiente.
Todo lo anterior nos ha llevado a ocupar hoy un sitial de privilegio dentro del mercado chileno, siendo líderes en soluciones de alta complejidad y con un alto estándar de eficiencia energética, siendo nuestros productos integrantes fundamentales de los proyectos más vanguardistas a nivel privado y gubernamental.
P.V.F. Traders d.o.o. je osnovana 1997. godine kao firma sa grčkim kapitalom. Osnovna delatnost je uvoz i veleprodaja materijala i opreme iz oblasti vodovoda, gasne i tehnike grejanja i opreme za klimatizaciju.
Početak saradnje sa renomiranim proizvođačem gasnih kotlova Immergas datira od 2002. godine. Tokom svih ovih godina uspeli smo da Immergas pozicioniramo kao brend koji su korisnici u Srbiji prepoznali kao kvalitetan i pouzdan.
Više od 14 godina konstantno radimo na promociji i predstavljanju novih Immergas proizvoda kroz edukacije naših poslovnih partnera sa ciljem da krajnji korisnici se uvere u kvalitet proizvoda.
Nastojaćemo da u budućnosti ojačamo našu poslovnu saradnju i da zajedno sa uvođenjem novih Immergas tehnoloških rešenja doprinesemo većem tržišnom učešću u Srbiji.